Posted 2017-06-16
How to improve a call to action button by optimizing for color, placement, and verbiage.
It’s not a call to action unless it jumps off the page. Anything less will hurt ROI.
Here are some design tricks to get the customer interested.
Customers react to colors.
According to an article from, women prefer blue, purple, and green. They dislike orange, brown, and gray. Men go for blue, green, and black. They reject brown, orange, and purple.
Men and women don’t just like blue; they trust it. Studies show that blue invites feelings of serenity and calmness. It’s a color that suggests trustworthiness and draws loyalty.
Just like a stop sign demands attention, red creates a sense of urgency. It stands for energy, warmth, and, in some cases, excitement.
Thoughts of wealth accompany green. It’s also reminiscent of the great outdoors, balance, restoration, and health.
No color represents luxury quite like black. It further suggests sophistication, sleekness, calmness, and a neutral stance.
Yellow causes anxiety. Such a call to action button might make a customer think twice. But it’s also an optimistic color associated with youthfulness, self-esteem, and friendliness.
Purple soothes and emotes truth, quality, and luxury. Men dislike it, but that means they notice it.
Both males and females find orange aesthetically unpleasing. Its unattractiveness helps it stand out, and because it also implies urgency and encourages impulsive behavior, orange can be perfect for a call to action button. It can become distracting if used too much.
Buttons lose the ability to stand out when surrounded by low-contrasting colors. Using white space is an easy solution.
The von Resorff effect, sometimes referred to as the “isolation effect,” is the theory that an item will stand out if it is isolated or different. Market research has proven the theory to be true. A properly isolated button is easier to notice.
High-performing websites tend to put the call to action button either be in the middle of the page or slightly to the right, but never below the scroll. (The user never has to scroll down the page to see it.)
The customer’s eyes should naturally gravitate toward the button. One way to accomplish this on desktop screens is with a hero image of a person looking at the call to action button. The customer follows their line of site to the button.
A call to action optimized for mobile is viewable from the top of the landing page (on all mobile devices, even the ones with tiny screens like the iPhone 5).
Color and button placement can help grab the customer’s attention and keep them from bouncing. It’s an important first step, but it requires follow-through with powerful words.
Brevity is required. A great call to action button succinctly states what the site wants the user to do.
Here are some ideas:
There’s a case for adding an icon to the call to action button. Something as simple as an arrow can make the button more noticeable and appealing.
Nobody ever gets a landing page right the first time. It takes testing to figure out what customers like. The color descriptions, placement ideas, and word suggestions above should help make those tests a little easier.