
Back from UnGagged

Back from UnGagged

We learned a lot about SEO and digital marketing at this year’s UnGagged conference.

Cindy’s Sad Story

Cindy’s Sad Story

Months after her hire date, dot818’s Cindy-Jo de la Rosa Cometa finally got what was coming to her.

It’s Now or Never

It’s Now or Never

Watch dot818’s Gerald Lopez do his best Elvis Presley impression at a post Lend360 cocktail party.

Back from Money20/20

Back from Money20/20

We were happy to be guests of another amazing event.

Back from Lend360

Back from Lend360

The online lending conference was a big success for us and we owe it to our excellent business partners.

dot818 at Lend360

dot818 at Lend360

We’re busy but having fun at the Lend360 online lending conference.

Here Comes Lend360

Here Comes Lend360

We’ve started scheduling meetings with our business partners for October’s Lend360 conference.

Enjoying Great Neighborly Ties with Zero Parallel

Enjoying Great Neighborly Ties with Zero Parallel

Zero Parallel joined us for dinner at Recess Eatery last night and good times were had by all.